
My main research goal is to provide robots, with a special focus on aerial robots, with the maximum level of autonomy allowing them to perform different missions without human intervention. My research interests can be summarized in three main topics: (1) situational awareness for intelligent robots, including sensor fusion and state estimation, localization and mapping, computer vision, and machine learning; (2) trajectory and path planning and control of autonomous robots; and (3) intelligent and cognitive system architectures for multi-agent robotic systems. My research is organized in the following Research Lines (RL) and Application Areas (AA)

Research Lines (RL)

Creation (of both robot state and environment), combining multi-level information, such as geometric, semantic, dynamic, topologic, and stochastic, connecting traditional techniques with machine learning approaches.

Real-time trajectory and path planning, as well as trajectory tracking and control, exploiting the aforementioned multi-level situational awareness of the environment (e.g. multi-level map of the environment).

Short description of portfolio item number 2

Real applications of autonomous multi-rotor aerial robots.

Short description of portfolio item number 2

Application Areas (AA)

Short description of portfolio item number 2

Short description of portfolio item number 2

Short description of portfolio item number 2

Short description of portfolio item number 2