IRANATA: Interference and RAdiation in Network PlAnning of 5G AcTive Antenna Systems

Project information:
  • Project title: Interference and RAdiation in Network PlAnning of 5G AcTive Antenna Systems
  • Project acronym: IRANATA
  • Funding source: SMC 5G 2019
  • Project starting date: 15 Jan. 2021
  • Project duration: 24 Months
  • Project role: Lead Postdoctoral Researcher


One of the most important technological enablers within the 5G suite is the Active Antenna System (AAS), which allows for the dynamic creation of multiple beams along both azimuth and elevation ranges. This feature is crucial for high-throughput mobile broadband services (emBB), as it can a) accurately focus the signal towards the user terminal, b) discriminate and serve multiple terminals within a single time-frequency block. In this context, AAS were prioritized in the 3GPP standardization process and there are already commercial products in the C-band that will support the first wave of 5G deployment.
Nevertheless, the timely AAS deployment currently struggles with multiple obstacles that require urgent industrial research, namely a) intra- and inter-system interference, b) 3D coverage mapping, c) radiation limits framework. More specifically, the two first items are critical for network planning, since the Network Operators (NOs) need to evaluate the AAS interference impact a) on out-of-band emissions in relation to adjacent 5G, radar, satellite systems, b) on in-band emissions towards adjacent sites that reuse the same carrier frequency, c) in relation to the provided 3D beamforming flexibility. Furthermore, the regulatory framework in terms of emission limits for AAS is not yet finalized, since the current methodology is not straightforwardly extendable to systems with dynamic radiation patterns. In parallel, there are recognized concerns by the general public about the electromagnetic radiation impact of directive beams to human health.
IRANATA aims to take concrete steps towards resolving these issues through an industrial research approach which combines software simulations, lab pilots and field measurements of production-level 5G AAS and smart phones over the UniLu Kirchberg campus (pioneering zone). The measurement campaign will be facilitated by drone missions which are able to efficiently produce a 3D characterization of the radiation pattern.

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