SESAME: Secure and Safe Multi-Robot Systems

Project information:
  • Project title: Secure and Safe Multi-Robot Systems
  • Project acronym: SESAME
  • Funding source: Horizon 2020
  • Funding scheme: ICT-46
  • Project id: 101017258
  • Project starting date: 01 Jan. 2021
  • Project duration: 36 months
  • Funded amount: 6 999 786,25
  • Project role: Lead Postdoctoral Researcher


European strategy and research roadmap documents emphasize the significant societal and economic benefits coming from robotic and autonomous systems. Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) comprise distributed and interconnected robotic teams that can carry out tasks beyond the competency of a single robot. Although MRS offer improved scalability and performance, increased robustness, and mission enablement, the lack of a systematic engineering methodology, covering the complete lifecycle of MRS, results in solutions that fail because of fragile design and unrealistic assumptions. SESAME addresses these problems through an open, modular, model-based approach for the systematic engineering of dependable MRS. SESAME is underpinned by public meta-models, components and configuration tools supporting the dependable MRS operation in uncertain settings characterized by emergent behaviours and possible cyber-attacks. To demonstrate this timely and ambitious goal, SESAME combines five enduser- led use-cases (in the domains of healthcare, agile manufacturing, agri-food, and inspection and maintenance) with R&D competences of partners that have a long track-record in conducting cutting-edge research on robotics, modelbased safety, security analysis, validation, and verification, towards the actual delivery of research results characterized by widely-used, sustainable and industrial-strength open-source software. An advisory board of world-class experts guides the development of SESAME.

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