About me

Dr. Jose-Luis SANCHEZ-LOPEZ joined the Automation & Robotics Research Group (ARG) of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust (SnT) of the University of Luxembourg UL as a Postdoc Research Associate in June 2017, being promoted to Postdoc Research Scientist in January 2021.

He is currently the leader of the Aerial Robotics Lab (AeRoLab) and other robotics laboratories of the ARG, headed by Prof. Holger VOOS.

Jose-Luis received his Ph.D. in Robotics (May 2017), his Master’s degree in Automation and Robotics (Oct. 2012), and his Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering (Sep. 2010), at the Technical University of Madrid (Madrid, SPAIN).

During his Ph.D. studies, he was a research fellow at the Computer Vision and Aerial Robotics Research Group (CVAR) of the Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR) of the CSIC-UPM (Madrid, SPAIN), led by Prof. Pascual CAMPOY. In addition, he was a visiting research fellow for six months (Jul. – Dec. 2012) at Arizona State University (AZ, USA) under the supervision of Prof. Srikanth SARIPALLI, and for thirteen months (Sep. – Dec. 2014 & Nov. 2015 – Oct. 2016) at LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, FRANCE), under the supervision of Prof. Simon LACROIX and Prof. Antonio FRANCHI, respectively.

His main research goal is to provide robots, with a special focus on aerial robots, with the maximum level of autonomy allowing them to perform different missions without human intervention.

His research interests can be summarized in three main topics: (1) intelligent and cognitive system architectures for multi-agent robotic systems; (2) situational awareness for intelligent robots, including sensor fusion and state estimation, localization and mapping, computer vision, and machine learning; and (3) trajectory and path planning and control of autonomous robots.

He has authored more than 56 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and proceedings of international conferences, related to his research fields with more than 1150 citations and an h-index of 18 (source Google Scholar).

He has contributed, with different roles, in multiple research projects, including European, Luxembourg National, Spain National, and Technology Transfer and Innovation projects. He has participated in several international robotics competitions, such as the IMAV 2012, IMAV 2013, or IARC 2014, with very successful results.

Among his teaching activities, he had lecturer responsibilities in different courses in both MICS, BiCS, and BING programs of the UL, and in the GITI program of the UPM.

In parallel, he has acted as a projects evaluator, Ph.D. thesis reviewer, journal editor, conference program committee, and reviewer of journal and conference papers.

Besides, Jose-Luis is committed to scientific dissemination to the general public, being one of the Luxembourg National Coordinators of the Robotics European Week, and having participated in multiple educational / general public events, as well as being linked to several high schools to teach robotics.